Create a New Loan

  1. Log in to your account and from the home page, click on the “+New Loan” button on the upper right corner of the screen.

  1. The Draft Loan page contains 4 sections that you need to fill out with details about the loan

  1. Fill out the information that applies in the Loan Details section

Loan Terms


Monthly fees

Scheduled Payment Amount

Transaction Fees

  1. Hit Save & Continue to move to the next section “ Borrower information” where you enter all information about the Borrower

  1. Save & Continue to the next section “Additional Options. This is where you may add Payment processors, Payment Methods, Loan Documents and Tags.

  1. Always remember to hit Save & Continue to move through the sections and to ensure that the information you entered is saved.
  2. The Preview section shows all the sections you previously filled out and allows you to review and make changes before you Activate the loan. There is an Edit tool for every section that you may use to edit.

  1. Once you are confident that all information are correct and you are ready to Activate the Loan, please click on the “ Activate Loan” button towards the bottom of the page

  1. A notification across the top will indicate that your new Loan is activated

  1. Once loan is active, you may send your borrower an Invite.

It is possible to modify loans once created however if you need to delete a loan from the list, you will need to contact Support.

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