Edit Next Payment

This option if available in cases where past dues need to be deferred or when the next payment schedule needs to be moved.

You will find this option in the "Scheduled Payments"

Click on the "Edit Next Payment" button on the upper right corner of the screen.

In the example above, next payment is due on May 6, 2024 which means when you 'Edit Next Payment", you are editing the Payment due May 6, 2024

You may edit the Date. Keep in mind that changing the due date of the next payment will change the date of all Succeeding months. I.E. Changing this to June 15, 2024 will mean that all monthly payments moving forward will be on the 15th day of each month.

You may also edit the amount for past due. This can be for deferring past due towards the end of payment terms or when you would like to waive fees that accumuldated due to late payment.

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